Rug Cleaning

We proWe proudly offer one of the most comprehensive rug cleaning, rug repair and rug restoration services in the bay Area 40 years running.udly offer one of the most comprehensive rug cleaning, rug repair and rug restoration services in the Bay Area for over 40 years.
Proper and frequent rug cleaning is undoubtedly the best tool in your arsenal to protect and ensure their longevity. Allergens, dust and pet dander as well pet accidents seep deep into your rugs pile that must be removed once every 3-4 years. A mere surface wash- like many establishments offer- leave all or most of allergy causing elements behind. Our detergent free, age old 7 step rug washing guarantees removal of 99% of allergens, as well as pet odors.
Our expert staff is always available to assist you with all your questions and or concerns that you may have.

 hand-wash Rug Cleaning

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